jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Last blog assigment

Photo 1
BODY MODIFICATIONS1) The photo shows that tattoos create steorotypes, because this picture represent a person with a little kid and he is expressing his felling, showing with this action to the people that the body modifications do not change character.
2)Society is afraid of people that have a tattoo, the people create an infinity number of ideas about their life's and they begin to invent gossip of them. The people use to think that this people are bad and rebel. In the case of the Maori's culture They have  different type of tattoo´s  with elaborate designs , because this represent  marks of  status . In this country (New Zealand) have a lot of respect of this culture and they don't have any prejudgement.
3)People think that tattooing is a way of represent their culture, ethnic or religious heritage . Also represent fashion and culture in the actuality, according to ( http://englishblogof2013.blogspot.com/ )Also another important fact that is very relevant to the people that have tattoo's, is that this gives them the opportunity to express themselves in any way that they want, so this would be benefict to their esteem.
4) Tattoos most of the time is not considered an art, because this can be ugly according of the people thinking and also they have a prejudice formed. They does not accept them because these tattoos that they have for the people not represent traditions or art only something disgusting.


tattoos definitely represent more than a fashion, this is also history, culture, traditions and feelings of people. This work helped me to realize that I dont have to copy and paste things of enthernet without put where I search the information. Finnally I learn the most important, the true meaning of tattoos.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Photo description 2

1) The meaning of Halloween has been lost for the festivities and entertainment.
2)Thas Halloween commemoration help the union of traditions or is only a commercial day?
Santas_surfing1) Christmas is a festivity who has become significant for the union of families
2)Tthe true meaning of Christmas has been forgotten by the commercial character Santa Claus
Rockwell, Thanksgiving.jpg1) Thanksgiving day allows the coexistence and improves family relationship
2) Thanksgiving day is only an excuse to get families together without any meaning.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Photo description 1

Third picture

In the picture, I can see a man that has a shirt and a helmet, also the dog has a special suit that allows him to be flying with the man. It is in the afternoon and they are flying, according to my opinion they are practising this sport near the airport. 
The man looks happy but he also is very focus on their travel, Something interesting is the dog doing this sport! also the dog is calm and enjoying the moment. For me after they finish flying, I think that they will go home.

This picture is link to the option leisure.