jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Last blog assigment

Photo 1
BODY MODIFICATIONS1) The photo shows that tattoos create steorotypes, because this picture represent a person with a little kid and he is expressing his felling, showing with this action to the people that the body modifications do not change character.
2)Society is afraid of people that have a tattoo, the people create an infinity number of ideas about their life's and they begin to invent gossip of them. The people use to think that this people are bad and rebel. In the case of the Maori's culture They have  different type of tattoo´s  with elaborate designs , because this represent  marks of  status . In this country (New Zealand) have a lot of respect of this culture and they don't have any prejudgement.
3)People think that tattooing is a way of represent their culture, ethnic or religious heritage . Also represent fashion and culture in the actuality, according to ( http://englishblogof2013.blogspot.com/ )Also another important fact that is very relevant to the people that have tattoo's, is that this gives them the opportunity to express themselves in any way that they want, so this would be benefict to their esteem.
4) Tattoos most of the time is not considered an art, because this can be ugly according of the people thinking and also they have a prejudice formed. They does not accept them because these tattoos that they have for the people not represent traditions or art only something disgusting.


tattoos definitely represent more than a fashion, this is also history, culture, traditions and feelings of people. This work helped me to realize that I dont have to copy and paste things of enthernet without put where I search the information. Finnally I learn the most important, the true meaning of tattoos.

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013

Photo description 2

1) The meaning of Halloween has been lost for the festivities and entertainment.
2)Thas Halloween commemoration help the union of traditions or is only a commercial day?
Santas_surfing1) Christmas is a festivity who has become significant for the union of families
2)Tthe true meaning of Christmas has been forgotten by the commercial character Santa Claus
Rockwell, Thanksgiving.jpg1) Thanksgiving day allows the coexistence and improves family relationship
2) Thanksgiving day is only an excuse to get families together without any meaning.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Photo description 1

Third picture

In the picture, I can see a man that has a shirt and a helmet, also the dog has a special suit that allows him to be flying with the man. It is in the afternoon and they are flying, according to my opinion they are practising this sport near the airport. 
The man looks happy but he also is very focus on their travel, Something interesting is the dog doing this sport! also the dog is calm and enjoying the moment. For me after they finish flying, I think that they will go home.

This picture is link to the option leisure.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Custom & traditions

'Tattoos go beyond art fashion; they reflect deep-rooted cultural and ethnic heritage'

I agree with this motion , In my whole life I have traveled to many countries of the world and I haverealized that tattos are symbolic of rich culture histories.

A good example is the Maori culture of New Zealand , They have tattoo´s in their face with elaborate designs , which serve as marks of high status . Each tattoo design is unique to the individuals.
Another example is the case of the Polynesian cultures they have developed elaborate geometric tattoos over Thousands of years . 

Also the warriors had tattoos of weaponry , while women were given tattoos of various work tools.
In Africa various culture groups employ tattoos as symbols too . Berber tribes in Algeria , Tunisia and Libya . Women in Africa Also use to tattoo Their faces , hands, and ankles with symbols marking Their ethnic identity .

Teardrop Tattoo
Until tattoos have come to define certain people as the Prison Tattoo Culture which is a teardrop tattoo is mostly associated with prisoners , gangsters , thugs , suffering or loss of a loved one. This usually teardrop tattoo symbolize gang membership . Teardrop tattoos in prison signify the number of murders that the user has on your criminal record . It is a tattoo that was also signed by five years of hard suffering time a person has served in prison . teardrop tattoo may also indicate that the person has killed someone in his / her life in and out of prison. Although teardrop tattoos have multiple meanings , most teardrop tattoos we see on today's dominant culture implies that the wearer has killed someone .

Of the good and bad things mentioned I can safely say that for me and for many people tattooing is a way of honoring the culture, ethnic or religious heritage . Although I have to admit that it can also represent fashion and culture in the actuality but the tattoo's are just 'Art and Fashion '? the answer would be no. 

sábado, 10 de agosto de 2013

Bithday in Jamaica

August 10, 2013

Dear Diary,

Tonight was amazing, my days have been fabulous in Jamaica, but today was special because it was my 16th birthday!  

The family who host me prepared to me a birthday spectacular where I was covered in flour, then we celebrated with a dance party with reggae music, at midnight we shared a birthday cake and other food and they sang the birthday song call Miss Lou to me.

Clearly this country is full of beautiful traditions and contagious happiness, I want to stay a while longer but unfortunately I have to come back tomorrow morning to my country, I will always remember this as a unique and wonderful experience. 


jueves, 13 de junio de 2013


Environment Disaster Warming

Disaster warming, a problem to consider

Franco Paredes, Staff Reporter
Wed May 8, 2013

New York- Yesterday in the United States, the company Rutherford was reported for seriously contamination to the environment, they was throwing debris and causing dangerous global warming, that affect all of us.

Rutherford is a company characterized for producing a nuclear weapons and biochemical dangerous experiments. They are the most important company of weapons in the United States that generate millions of earnings every year. They have a lot of prestige, but yesterday with this new their prestige fell down drastically. this for everyone including myself is very disappointing because our trust in the company has lost.

Social Responsibility is very important fact that every company must have, such as care for the environment, also de proper treatment to the workers and do things to the society, but in the last days a worker of this company say something very controversial about that "This company its not ethical, they do what they want, use his utilities to win more money and not for the environmental disaster that they are creating´´, so after read these phrases I can get to the conclusion that this company is not acting correctly and they are letting down all they buyers.
Rutherford company will lose money, because the expectative generated by publicity, newspaper, will affect the demand curve.

To conclude is important to mention that people are very worried about this contaminating issue and they are doing all the things possible to solved that, for example protest, debates,  and more activities to help our world. Also the president of the Unites States say: "All together we have to help our environment, the world is everything that we have, so if we destroyed, the human will disappear.

Interview assigment


Interviewer: Good morning sir Franco Paredes is a pleasure to have you here in this tv program about smarter teens. How do you feel?

Me: Thank you Max Bernard, telling you the truth I'm a little anxious for the questions, my dream was to be in this fantastic program.

Interviewer: Yes, we know, you always say good things about this TV program, let me start with the questions. How do you see yourself in the future?

Me: A good question sir. First of all I imagine myself in a big house with a beautiful girl and if it is possible with two sons, I hope that maybe I can be a famous film maker also.

Interviewer: Interesting, and where will you be, in your home country or another?

Me: I think that I will be in new Zealand because it's  a beautiful and self to live, additionally it is also a good place to make movies because there are amazing landscapes and a interesting culture.

Interviewer: So I can see that you love everything about film production. When did you start to become curious about this exciting world of movies?

Me: Everything started when I was a little kid, my mother always use to show me a lot of movies with different cultural context and with a good story, so in time i began to see more than the movies. I started to become an inquirer and also open minded. This is probably the most important reason of why I want to be a film maker so much.

Interviewer: Another thing that all the people want to know, you also want to be an a civil engineer? how will you work in the both things?

Me: That is a question that I have to solve, probably I will be a civil engineer do a lot of buildings, projects and when I get a lot of experiences and money I will be a film maker, so this is my best answer of this difficult question at the moment.

Interviewer: So, Which university do you think that is the best to study civil engineer? why?

Me: I'm very interesting at the university of Princetong, because is a good university and have a lot of prestige, they are the best  in civil engineer. Also my father study in that university so I'm very proud of him.

Interviewer: Actuality we have a lot of different types of movies. In your case what types of movies will you create?

Me: I 'would like to produce movies with a lot of action, landscapes, romanticism similar of Avatar, or Narnia etc. Movies that all the people like and for the whole family.

Interviewer: Do you have any leader of film productions that you follow? Why or why not?

Me: Yes, I have many, but the most relevant for me is Peter Jackson who makes a lot of movies like the lord of rings and others. He is the most relevant for me because he is really good film director with a lot of ideas and the most important he is amazing person with a lot of knowledge.

Interviewer: To finish this interview, I 'would like to ask you one more question. How does your family support you? 

Me: Of course, my family support me a lot , also they always bring me facilities for my aim. I love my family they are my most important thing that I have in my life.

Interview: You are right, all we love our family, thank you very much for your time.

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013

Brave new World assigment

Brave New World, chapters 4 and 5

1 - Why is it important for Lenina to publicly prove her unfaithfulness to Henry?

 Because at the time of brave new world there was no exact definition of fidelity, because all the people had many couples and this is demonstrated in several parts of the book. first, it is justify in the chapter 3 on page 38, and this is the quote: "And to tell the truth, said Lenina, I'm beginning to get just a tiny bit bored with nothing but Henry every day".
So, It is for this phrase that we can take at a series of debates that they don't know the really meaning of the true love, and finally a phrase that Lenina occupies to demonstrate its she was unfaithfulness, is occupied in the chapter 4 page 50 and it says: "Anyhow, she was publicly proving her unfaithfulness to Henry. Fanny ought to be pleased, even though it was Bernard. So this reflects the important of follow the rules of this society, that for me consideration it is wrong this type of thought 

2 - Is it Natural to be in a couple and raise a family in the Brave new World? Why / why not?

It's not natural, because the social rules at that time say that this is not correct, In the contra part they thought that the human being should have many couples and that should not be enslaved by way of a only couple. This is reflected in the chapter 3 page 35: "Their world (the past) didn't allow them to take things easily, didn't allow them to be sane, virtuous, happy." That is why this question is totally related to the unfaithfulness of the world of brave new world in which it is assumed that someone can be happy only if it is free to be with anyone, in wherever they want and however they want.

3 - What is the meaning of "pneumatic" when it is used to describe Lenina?

The official definition is basically "full of air," but this description can be metaphorical. It seems that he wants to mean that she's busty, curvy, and all-around sexy

4 - What is "Soma" and why do people use it? 

its a designer drug with no side effects can cure feelings of sadness and who use every time they want a vacation or experience negative emotions and want to escape reality and is shown according to chapter 4 page 52: "you do look glum! What do you need is a gramme of soma. Diving into his right-hand trouser-pocket.Benito produced a phial. One cubic centimeter cures ten gloomy ... but, I say! "

5 - Was Bernard a tall or a short man? How did this Affect his job? Please justify your answer by quoting from chapter 5. 

He was a small man and is evidenced in the chapter 4,page 55: "I have stood eight centimeters short of the standard Alpha height and was slender in proportion" and a very important thing that says Bernard in this same page is that he does not feel comfort with his identity:  "I am I, and I wish I wasn't." His physical condition it was hurting a lot in their work, because it's made him feel uncomfortable and a he feel that is was observed by society for being different from the others. This was reflected in the page 55: "For gammas, deltas, and Epsilons had been to some extent conditioned to associate corporeal prejudice in favor of size was universal. Hence the laughter of the women to whom I have made proposals, the practical joking of his equals among the men. The mockery made him feel an outsider".

sábado, 20 de abril de 2013

Brave New World

Brave New world, Blog assigment:

 1. What is the relevance of chapters 1, 2 and 3 for the development of the plot of the novel?

These 3 chapters teach us how is this world created by author Aldous Huxley. It is characterized as futuristic in which many things are different with those of the present in which people loss the concept of parents and much of the 'past' have been eliminated, as monogamy, this is shown on page 35, '' What with mothers and lovers, what with the prohibitions they were not conditioned to obey, what with the temptations and the endless isolating pain, what with The uncertainties and the poverty ...'' Besides that, almost all forms of acting, of thinking, of living is seen as an embarrassment to this new world which seeks the motto of Community, Identity, Stability.

2. What kind of text is the information in these three chapters conveyed:  description, conversations, narration, other? Give examples.

In Chapter 1, the description is widely used, also its makes us an a introduction in which the director begins   ''from the beginning'', explaining the Bokanovsky's process, their explain various features that this company have and Mr. Foster gave some descriptions, in language very detailed and a little hard to understand what makes us see the scientific point of things.
a clear example of description is the beginning of the novel on Page 1:'' A SQUAT GREY building of only thirty-four storeys. Over main entrance the words, CENTRAL LONDON HATCHERY AND CONDITIONING CENTRE, and, in a shield, the World State's motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTIFY, STABILITY.''

In chapter 2 dominates the narrative, which wraps us doing several clarifications of the world was like in the past when the director said, 'The parents were the father and the mother', These, I said gravely, are unpleasant facts, I know it. but, then, most historical facts are unpleasant'' (page 19). Finally in this chapter 2 and to support my conclusion that this chapter dominates the narrative is that the director begins to tell the story of Little Reuben and other facts that show the type of text.

Finally in Chapter 3 dominates the conversations in which they spend most of the chapter talking about the love affairs that arise within this futuristic world, a clear example of conversation is at page 33: 'Dr Wells says That a three month' s Pregnancy Substitute now will make all the diference to my health for the next three or four years. Well, I hope he's right, said Lenina.'' This conversation and others more extended is what are shown in the third chapter.

3. What are 4 important facts we learn about this future world?

The perfect balance, the new way of gestation explained in detail in these chapters, the loss parents concept, which is further evidenced by the students according to page 19'' and parent? Questioned the DHC. There was an uneasy silence. Several of the boys blushed.'' Last but not least the new five castes.


a) “They'll be safe from books and botany all their lives”

This is found in Chapter 2 page 17. It's a phrase said by the director to the students when they were in Neo-Pavlovian Conditioning Rooms. The director makes a small sample of how do you hate books and botany, as these only served to work as they were the dumbest way to put it, so it would be a waste of time to teach the books and with respect to the botanic, their loved this at first but as it says on page 18 ('' a love of nature keeps no factories busy. it was Decided to abolish the love of nature, at any rate Among the lower classes, to abolish the love of nature, but not the tendency to consume transport'') was not efficient, and what really mattered was manufactered articles they consume as well as transport. This benefits the lifestyle of people of Brave New World since the epsilons can only focus on what's important.

b) “But in Epsilons …we don’t need human intelligence”.

This is found at page 11, Chapter 1. This phrase said Mr. Foster when they were passing meter 320 on Rack 11 because a student asked 'But why do you want to keep the embryo below par? (page 11) then is why Mr.Foster answer this question by giving an examples which mentions that man only mature and have an a accept knowledge after 20 years, which is a nuisance for the Epsilons so by one side are better than them and they mature at 10 years and do not need this human intelligence, for the reason that they do not need, not manufactured, but the only problem is that only come to work at age 18. This contributes to the lifestyle of people of Brave New World in the aspect of accelerates the process of human evolution according to my point of view, where be able to mature faster and contribute to society efficiently.

C) “Family, monogamy, romance.Everywhere exclusiveness, everywhere a focussing on interest, a narrow channel of impulse and energy”.

This is found at page 34, Chapter 3. This phrase said Mustapha Mond mention when their was talking to Lenina about Henry Foster, she said that because Lenina would return a date with Henry Foster which upset some part to Fanny, as in the days of''Brave New World' this was seen as unusual and improper and it says at page 35 when Fanny said:'' Their world did not allow them to take things easily, did not allow them to be sane, virtous, happy''. Then we were given to understand that monogamy does not work it was a failure in the past and this is supposed to benefit the future making people happier.

martes, 9 de abril de 2013


´´Project Glass´´, the new generation.

This morning, the workers of google shows to the audience their new product (glass).Many people wonder, what is the function of that glass? Who is this glass for? Why doess Google think that this glass can be so important to the next generation? All those questions will be answered in the next paragraph.

The glasses have an ambedded camera, microphone, Gps and reportedly, use bone induction to give you sound. According to Forrest analyst James McQuivey said something very interesting about this product ´´Google has maneged to do something that apple may not copy.´´ This impresse a lot of the clients because these glases is also useful like un celular, tambien para comunicarnos with other person by video, its amazing! you only have to put your glasses in your face and that is. Other point of view according from the manager of iphone is that ´´Maybe this technology is advanced but they are not the only one that have in mind new ideas to the next generation´´.

To conclude, we can finally say that the future that movies created more and more close. Brin expert of marketing expressed his opinion saying ´´This is really new technology. We want to get it out into the hands of passionate people as early as possible´´. According to this, it is a very good beginning for the next generation and I think and I ask myself, are people prepared for this dramastic change? Will cellphones,computers, Gps and more dissapeared? I hope that this and more questions will be answered in the future.

(260 words)

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Video assigment


1- What is this video about?
this video is according to my understanding that fiscals are trying to stop the production of technology and science, so we would not have in an a very short-term internet, televisions, cd and dvd player, gps sistems and much more innovations that so important in our society.

2- What is the main concern conveyed in this video?
The main concern of the people shown in the video  is the loss of jobs, scientific progress and threaten U.S. competiveness.

3- What will happen if the government stops funding science and technology
if they stop the producing of new technologies and science, maybe the persons will be enter into a deep depression, so people would have to live without luxuries like television, computers, social networks and this are the most importan that sends our world today in the present. It would be a big problem if this happen because our progressing were useless and would have to return to the way of life in ancient times, according to my point of view. 

4- Do you agree with this video’s point of view? Why/Why not?
I agree with the point of view of this video, the narrator tries to say that technology is very important in our lives and if the state would do away with it, it will become an a great problem, so this is the reason that he calls us all to stop state decision.

5- Does your government provide enough money for research and science? Give examples
Well, I think what makes chile its correct, our country also have to pay various other things besides technology, such as education, etc.So has to make a decision of divide equally a little more income and funds for science in Chile would be ideal, but not it can be.Our progress of science and technology is nothing compare an a  developed country such as the U.S., so chile in short words their buy technology from other countries.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

English lab

Science more than a word

Science is useful:

Science is an a good form to know the unknown, also is a list of process, by experiment, investigation and a lot of hard work, that allows us to link isolated facts into coherent and a easy way to comprehensive understandings of the natural world, furthermore, science has taught us to live day by day, thanks to new technologies that have been created.

But what I mean  with science is useful? This answer is very easy, in our times science is continually refining and expanding.Something impresionant is that can be used to develop new technologies, like computers, tv, cars, planes and a lot of things more.For me is very important because this help our life's and often makes more easier and more comfortable. The only disadvantage for me of the creations of technologies based in the knowledge of science is the bad use, like creations of arms, polluting industry and a many other influence.

To conclude, I want  to remember the importance of science to us, because every day we learn new things,experience and without science our life's would not be the same.In the other hand science can be useful always if is used in the right way and not fot the opposite.