jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

Video assigment


1- What is this video about?
this video is according to my understanding that fiscals are trying to stop the production of technology and science, so we would not have in an a very short-term internet, televisions, cd and dvd player, gps sistems and much more innovations that so important in our society.

2- What is the main concern conveyed in this video?
The main concern of the people shown in the video  is the loss of jobs, scientific progress and threaten U.S. competiveness.

3- What will happen if the government stops funding science and technology
if they stop the producing of new technologies and science, maybe the persons will be enter into a deep depression, so people would have to live without luxuries like television, computers, social networks and this are the most importan that sends our world today in the present. It would be a big problem if this happen because our progressing were useless and would have to return to the way of life in ancient times, according to my point of view. 

4- Do you agree with this video’s point of view? Why/Why not?
I agree with the point of view of this video, the narrator tries to say that technology is very important in our lives and if the state would do away with it, it will become an a great problem, so this is the reason that he calls us all to stop state decision.

5- Does your government provide enough money for research and science? Give examples
Well, I think what makes chile its correct, our country also have to pay various other things besides technology, such as education, etc.So has to make a decision of divide equally a little more income and funds for science in Chile would be ideal, but not it can be.Our progress of science and technology is nothing compare an a  developed country such as the U.S., so chile in short words their buy technology from other countries.

jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

English lab

Science more than a word

Science is useful:

Science is an a good form to know the unknown, also is a list of process, by experiment, investigation and a lot of hard work, that allows us to link isolated facts into coherent and a easy way to comprehensive understandings of the natural world, furthermore, science has taught us to live day by day, thanks to new technologies that have been created.

But what I mean  with science is useful? This answer is very easy, in our times science is continually refining and expanding.Something impresionant is that can be used to develop new technologies, like computers, tv, cars, planes and a lot of things more.For me is very important because this help our life's and often makes more easier and more comfortable. The only disadvantage for me of the creations of technologies based in the knowledge of science is the bad use, like creations of arms, polluting industry and a many other influence.

To conclude, I want  to remember the importance of science to us, because every day we learn new things,experience and without science our life's would not be the same.In the other hand science can be useful always if is used in the right way and not fot the opposite.