jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Custom & traditions

'Tattoos go beyond art fashion; they reflect deep-rooted cultural and ethnic heritage'

I agree with this motion , In my whole life I have traveled to many countries of the world and I haverealized that tattos are symbolic of rich culture histories.

A good example is the Maori culture of New Zealand , They have tattoo´s in their face with elaborate designs , which serve as marks of high status . Each tattoo design is unique to the individuals.
Another example is the case of the Polynesian cultures they have developed elaborate geometric tattoos over Thousands of years . 

Also the warriors had tattoos of weaponry , while women were given tattoos of various work tools.
In Africa various culture groups employ tattoos as symbols too . Berber tribes in Algeria , Tunisia and Libya . Women in Africa Also use to tattoo Their faces , hands, and ankles with symbols marking Their ethnic identity .

Teardrop Tattoo
Until tattoos have come to define certain people as the Prison Tattoo Culture which is a teardrop tattoo is mostly associated with prisoners , gangsters , thugs , suffering or loss of a loved one. This usually teardrop tattoo symbolize gang membership . Teardrop tattoos in prison signify the number of murders that the user has on your criminal record . It is a tattoo that was also signed by five years of hard suffering time a person has served in prison . teardrop tattoo may also indicate that the person has killed someone in his / her life in and out of prison. Although teardrop tattoos have multiple meanings , most teardrop tattoos we see on today's dominant culture implies that the wearer has killed someone .

Of the good and bad things mentioned I can safely say that for me and for many people tattooing is a way of honoring the culture, ethnic or religious heritage . Although I have to admit that it can also represent fashion and culture in the actuality but the tattoo's are just 'Art and Fashion '? the answer would be no. 

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